Schools Q&A

Who employs the substitutes?

Teachers Now employs the substitutes working in your school or district, so you don’t have to handle taxes, payroll, unemployment claims, workers comp, etc. Teachers Now recruits new substitutes for day-to-day jobs as well as any long-term needs you may have.

How does Teachers Now recruit substitutes?

We utilize a variety of methods to recruit additional substitutes, including job fairs, online resources, community partnerships, colleges and working with the district.

If we partner with Teachers Now, do you provide an automated system?

Yes, we will provide an online automated system through which you can manage your substitute needs.

Does Teachers Now run background checks on their substitutes?

Yes, we run background checks annually. We also abide by all additional state screening and licensing requirements.

What kind of Training do Teachers Now employees receive?

Teachers Now provides training courses that substitutes must complete before starting to work. We also offer in-person and online professional development courses to build their skills in areas such as special education, student growth and achievement, diversity awareness and bullying.