Yes, since we are a different company, you will have to apply again. However, we offer an expedited hiring process for applicants who were previously employed with our partner school districts to make the transition as seamless as possible.
All substitutes are formally employed and paid by Teachers Now. You will receive assignment opportunities from Teachers Now. However, substitutes are expected to take directions from the on-site staff while at a school.
It is not a requirement to have a teaching license. All of our teaching positions require an associate degree at a minimum, and/or 60+ hours of college credit.
Yes! We do the majority of our hiring during the traditional school year, when substitutes are most needed. However, summer applicants will be ready to substitute teach when school starts in the fall, so we encourage you to apply at any times!
Yes, we require a minimum of 3 days per semester.
Yes, you can. Our goal is to empower you and help you advance your career. You won’t be under contract, and we encourage you to find the best fit for you.
Permanent Substitute Teacher, Short-Term Substitute Teacher, Long-Term Substitute Teacher, Paraprofessional Substitute, Custodial Substitute Worker and Food Service Substitute Worker. Visit our Open Positions page for complete job descriptions.
We offer semi-monthly pay, bonuses, an employee assistance program and professional development opportunities.
We enjoy introducing talented substitutes to our partner schools. Since Teachers Now employees are not under contract, they are eligible for hire at any time. Please contact us when you are hired so we can help with the transition process.
Pay varies by region and usually reflects the pay structure of that region. Licensed teachers with bachelor’s degrees may be eligible for higher rates.